Attention Parents & Grandparents of Teenagers
No doubt you have cherished memories that you’ll treasure forever …
Memories of hours spent with your elders talking, laughing, and sharing experiences that lifted your spirits, helped develop your skills (remember erector sets?), and sealed your relationships with them.
If you’re aching to establish similar memories with your teenagers while sharpening their skills, but don't know where to begin given their devotion to digital devices, our solution can change their focus.
In the process, you will have started a tradition that can be passed from generation to generation.
Our solution even helps teens build analytical and assembly skills that can give them a sturdy leg up in life as they head toward adulthood and the world they’ll inherit.
There’s no time like now to offer your teenagers an alternative to burying their heads in a phone or tablet.
Digital devices keep them entertained but not nurtured, pacified but not treasured, and occupied but not truly engaged in the real world or the people who should mean more to them than any digital device.
We can help bring you together to create the magic that will linger for years in memory.
Our puzzles are engaging, challenging, and rewarding for kids who are at least 12.
These puzzles set kids up for success, and with online schooling a distinct likelihood for the foreseeable future, kids are missing hands-on activities that art, gym and engineering classes would normally give them.
Instead of a digital zombie, imagine your tweener as an energetic, involved dynamo, focusing their energy and attention on creating a marvel that they can take pride in having mastered and completed.
You know you want what's best for your teenagers. What’s best for them simply might not be on their radar right now. But when you present them with a 3D wooden puzzle and your mile-wide grin of eager anticipation, they should quickly come around and catch your enthusiasm.
Thousands of teenagers have.
Whose life do you want to impact in ways they’ll never forget?
Go ahead. Pick a puzzle. Start a new tradition.
One they’ll treasure forever…while treasuring you for opening their eyes to true joy and accomplishment.